A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of attending Art Center College of Design's portfolio review. I've been attending the reviews for the past couple years and it's been such an honor and pleasure to have the opportunity to check out work from some very talented, emerging photographers. Each semester brings a new group of fresh talent, eager to get their feet wet in the commercial and fine art photography industry. It's always really uplifting to see photographers at this point in their careers because they've got a raw energy that seems boundless. And I get excited b/c I look forward to seeing how their work will progress in the years to come!
I only hope that my insight was encouraging and useful! :-)
One of the students recently emailed to thank me and let me know about an interview that a few of them participated in on The Candid Frame: A Photography Podcast. The Candid Frame's host, Ibarionex R. Perello, interviewed a handful of the students to get their perspective on their new careers.
If you want to check out the interview and the 16 sweet photography websites, here are links to the podcast and their websites below. You may just find your next favorite photographer!
http://thecandidframe.com/ - Go to the Candid Frame #78 entry.
Mary Amor - http://www.maryamor.com/
Maurice Salazar - http://www.mauricesalazar.com/
Joe Euihyun Kim - http://www.euihyunkim.com/portfolio/home.html
Anthony Cobos - http://www.anthonyfcobosphotography.com/
Jordana Sheara - http://www.jordanasheara.com/
Clement Jolin - http://www.clementjolin.com/
Stephanie Kay - http://www.stephaniekayphotography.com/
Andrew Richard Hara - http://www.arc-technica.com/
Joseph Escamilla - http://www.josephescamilla.com/
Kathryna Hancock - http://www.kathrynahancock.com/
Amber Gress - http://www.ambergress.com/
David Holden Smith - http://www.imagesmithed.com/
Adrianne Techasith - http://www.adriannetechasith.com/
Cecilia Gavia - http://www.ceciliagavia.com/
Marco Walker - http://www.marcowalker.com/
Teresa Lojacono - http://www.teresalojacono.com/
1 – 200 of 231 Newer› Newest»The writer of jolielife.blogspot.com has written a superior article. I got your point and there is nothing to argue about. It is like the following universal truth that you can not disagree with: Don't judge a book by its cover, judge it by its color, its weight, its height, its width, its complextion, and all of its other features. I will be back.
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